Now, before we too harshly or improperly judge a Big business in agriculture we need to also realize that to feed a hungry world and maintain low consumer costs and deal with a host of regulations, inspections and hundreds of other things, the agricultural industry has done a tremendous job. Seeds are altered to be more disease resistant and require less chemical management and water. The genes are altered in the seed to determine a consistent size for mechanized planting, harvesting and offering a very long shelf life for long storage times. That is why the beans we buy in a grocery store can be acquired for less than $2 a pound. It is an amazingly well orchestrated system and it works pretty well for distribution.
All-natural products such as our heritage beans are not all exactly the same a plus they do not offer the same high yield per acre as genetically altered beans. They are much more expensive to grow and have a shorter shelf life. They must be distributed and used while fresh a within a year or two maximum.
So next question is why? Why do we grow them? Then answer is FLAVOR! These are just better beans. Higher nutrition values, better protein levels and much more natural fiber content are just some of the reasons. We love them and you will too.
Beans are one of natures most healthy organisms for us to eat them and they are very good for us. Whether you choose heritage or genetically altered beans as hey should be part of your diet on a regular basis. Legumes are powerful little packages of energy! Heritage/heirloom are just that much better for you and again as is the flavor!
There sure is a big difference in flavor!
Commercially grown beans are fine for many things and can be in storage for up to 25 years. Heirlooms from Heritage Seeds are really just that – seeds – and are served within a few years so they are fresher, more flavorful and alive.
Hope this helps – the proof is in the taste!
Heirloom is the way the beans are grown with open pollination and treatment of crop.
Heritage is the Foundation that verifies these beans to be unaltered by man in the the last 75 years.
Commercially grown beans have been modified to be more resilient in weather, higher yielding, pest and drought tolerant and can withstand storage for 25 years. They are healthy and inexpensive AND lack the flavor we like.
Hope this helps and thanks for the question.